Canadian Art International Lecture Series & the CASv present:
Shary Boyle
Thursday June 5th, 2008, 7pm
HR MacMillan Space Centre- Lecture Hall
1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver
Book signing and members-only reception to follow
Package options:
Single occupancy: $1100.00
Double occupancy: $1600.00
*Please note that these prices DO NOT include airfare. Each member is responsible for their own airfare.
*Package includes guided tour to the above destinations, 3 nights hotel accommodation, transportation to venues, one night out to dine with the group.
May 16-19 is an extremely busy weekend in San Fran, so we can only hold our block of CASV group rate hotel rooms for a very short time. To secure your space and avoid disappointment, please RSVP to us immediately with a valid credit card or deposit cheque written out to the Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver.
Last day to confirm your spot with payment is May 1, 2008.
Need more information? Please contact CASV Vice-President Monica Reyes at