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Rebecca Belmore's talk at the auditorium at the Planetarium was packed and for good reason - her presentation was both delightful and provocative. Ms. Belmore gave a slide show presentation in a theatrical format (with onstage assistant)that reviewed highlights of her past 15 years as an artist. In addition she spoke about her work "Fountain" showing concurrently at the Vancouver Art Gallery, and the work that represented Canada at the 2005 Venice Biennale ("the Disneyland of the Art World"). Main themes in her work are the body, feminist issues, cultural disinfranchisment, colonization, and aboriginal issues.
I walked away with some pertinent knowledge about Ms. Belmore's practice as an artist. A key component to her choice and method of performance art is the way it allows her to respond immediately and intuitively to current events and issues. Unlike scripted drama that generally requires significant preparation and rehearsal, Rebecca's theatre is one of improvisation with intention. She often creates a work on the day of the installation or the exhibition. When so many other art mediums are "slow" in production, this approach to art-making is fresh and vital. In fact, she is so responsive to the information around us, she joked that her husband often threatens to ban her from watching the evening news on television at home.
Finally, what was absolutely delightful was to get to know more about Rebecca, the woman. Despite work with typically a heavy-laden and political content, she has a wicked sense of humour that tends towards a light-hearted self-deprecation and a healthy sense of irony.
Package options:
Single occupancy: $1100.00
Double occupancy: $1600.00
*Please note that these prices DO NOT include airfare. Each member is responsible for their own airfare.
*Package includes guided tour to the above destinations, 3 nights hotel accommodation, transportation to venues, one night out to dine with the group.
May 16-19 is an extremely busy weekend in San Fran, so we can only hold our block of CASV group rate hotel rooms for a very short time. To secure your space and avoid disappointment, please RSVP to us immediately with a valid credit card or deposit cheque written out to the Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver.
Last day to confirm your spot with payment is May 1, 2008.
Need more information? Please contact CASV Vice-President Monica Reyes at
Image: Curators Henriette Huldisch, left, and Shamim Momin amid the installation of Fia Backström's piece at the Whitney. (Photo: Jason Schmidt)
FlashArt's interview with Shamim Momin, co-curator of the Whitney Biennial 2008
Some of the 22 artists who came to Santa Fe, N.M., from different countries to develop site-specific projects for the 2008 Site Santa Fe Biennial.
In 1973 Metcalfe co-founded The Western Front, one of the first pioneering artist run centres in Vancouver, BC. Metcalfe has worked on media based work since the mid 70s including Howard Hughes Inc., Crimetime Video Productions, Stravinsky’s Soldier's Tale in 1987 engaging sets, props and costumes, The Attic Project and, most recently, Laura (2004), a traveling installation/theatre piece, and Curtain Razors (2007).
Metcalfe’s work is in major collections including the National Gallery. He has been awarded the V.I.V.A. award in 1992, The Victor Martin Lynch-Staunton Award in 2000 and The Audain Foundation Award in 2006. He was Visiting Artist to The University of British Columbia’s undergraduate/graduate program in fine arts in 2006-2007.
The evening concluded with a members-only reception.
Her contemporary art is influenced firstly by nature, observed, collected, drawn and photographed, but also by other arts, primitive, ancient and modern, from many cultures including Asia, Africa and Australia.
Susanna was educated in Canada and in Europe. She now lives in West Vancouver B.C., Canada. She produces art in a wide variety of styles, from realistic, to abstract contemporary art.